Stay in Tune

Playing the Piano

Playing the piano has many benefits and helps me to stay in tune. It stimulates the brain, promotes mental sharpness and helps to reduce stress and anxiety.  I found playing an instrument to be a healthy outlet for self-expression. I self-taught myself to play the piano at 7 years old.  My mother was a classical pianist and from the age of 5 to 7, I would sit and listen to her play. I would ask continually, at what age would I be able to take piano lessons? I don’t play the waiting game too well. Therefore, I decided to take immediate action!  

My Self-Journey

My self-journey began by recording my mother when she played. This is how I learned the sound of each key. Considering my mother worked at night, I had full and exclusive autonomy to play during the day.  A few weeks went by and when my family heard piano music, they were unable to determine who was playing, my mother or me. The goal for me was to stay in tune. Not having any formal training, musical growth was difficult. You see, this was during the pre-YouTube era. My persistence to learn and grow musically was one of my first encounters of self-determination.  I learned through this experience; you can do anything you set your mind to.  Don’t let others derail you from accomplishing a goal you truly desire or enjoy. 

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Looking for songs to play? If so, here is a great site to download SHEET MUSIC Click Here.

Learn to Play the Ukulele, Violin or Guitar



Musical Setback

As the years went by, life happened.  My mother became ill and when I was 16, she passed away.  Considering the stress of losing a mother at a young age, my focus shift primarily to taking care of a grieving father, keeping my grades up so I can graduate and go to college.  My love to play the piano dwindled. I rarely had time to play, nor did I feel the same passion considering it was a joint interest I shared with my mother.  I basically fell out of tune.

Coming Full Circle

Fast forward, I’m much older, my children are grown and have families of their own. During the pandemic, I found I had a lot of time on my hands. I suddenly felt a desire to play the piano, something I have not felt in over 25 years. 

A family member had asked me to accompany her to a second-hand store.  Not too many people out and about during this time and I needed to get out of the house.  When we entered the store, the first thing I saw was a piano. It was in good condition on sale for $100.  Is this a sign from above?  And yes, I bought the piano.  

As of this day, I practice taking online course with this course and play the piano/keyboard daily.  I truly enjoy music and bought each of my grandchildren an instrument and encourage them to practice. They find my continuous reinforcement to play annoying, though when their skill level becomes proficient, they will appreciate the inspiration and encouragement I gave.  I constantly communicate to them the importance of “Stay in Tune.”